Monday, February 16, 2009

Doorway jumper VIDEO

Here is our video of Brayden enjoying his doorway jumper. I know it is long (2 minutes or so) but we think it is super cute. ;-)


Goldielocks and Her 3 Boys said...

Oh my goodness I love it!! I tried and tried to get Logan to use his Jonny Jump Up but everytime I put him into it he just would look at me as if I were crazy for even thinking to do so!!! But Brayden seems to really enjoy it! I love all the pictures and videos! Keep 'em comin'!!

Ellen Kimball said...

Oh my goodness! That brings back memories of my daughter's energetic jumping at our apartment in NYC -- decades ago!

Daughter Linda turned 40 years old in October 2008, and lives in the Royal Woodlands area of Beaverton. She is beautiful and healthy, with two young children of her own.

I think they recalled some of the original jumpers because children got tangled in them. Guess they've brought them back on the market.

Good luck to you -- you look like a beautiful young family! I enjoy looking at your posts.


Ellen Kimball
Wife, mother, movie reviewer, stepmother, grandmother, stepgrandmother now almost 70 years old!
Suburban Portland, OREGON