Thursday, July 23, 2009

Top Ten- 9 months

Every 3 months I have been posting my top ten favorite things about Brayden. It is amazing how much he changes in just 3 short months. My top tens from January and April are so different from what I love about him now. Here goes: (in no particular order)

1. His smiles with those 4 teeth he has!
2. His belly laugh. Sometimes he just randomly starts laughing while we are out walking and I love it!
3. Reading with him. He still enjoys books. I love that he really has favorites now. He likes There's a Wocket In My Pocket, Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You, Baby Plays Pat Pat and The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
4. Our bedtime routine. Putting him to bed these days is so enjoyable. After his bath and dinner, we go upstairs and get into the sleep sack, turn the lights down and read our bedtime books. He snuggles in and we read quietly. Then we rock briefly and I lay him down.
5. Giving him a bottle. Brayden isn't a real snuggly baby, but he does snuggle in while he eats. I love it. We are starting the transition to a sippy cup and I will surly miss these days where he eats in my lap while we snuggle.
6. Eating solid foods. Brayden is becoming a lot of fun during meal times. He is eating lots of table foods and he is now able to feed himself (by fingers, not spoons). He sits at the table and participates in family dinner EVERY night. Some favorites of his are toast sticks (toast that I cut into sticks), cheerios, puffs, green beans and cheese.
7. Our outings. If you know me well, you know I don't stay cooped up at home well. I am happy to say that Brayden is the same way. We try to leave the house on at least one outing during the day. We go over the lunch hour and walk, eat out with friends, go to the zoo, or go shopping. Even on his fussiest days, he loves going out and is a great boy! He is so curious and observant and enjoys taking in the new surroundings.
8. Swimming. Brayden has been in swimming lessons for 4 weeks now. I have learned he does NOT like being dunked. Can you blame him? I hate it too. But now that I have told the instructor that we aren't going under again for a while, he is much happier. Last class he smiled and giggled for the whole 30 minutes. I love watching him learn new things.
9. All his new milestones. Crawling, pulling to stand, sitting up from laying down and walking (holding my hands). It seems like he is learning something new every day. I love that I am able to witness all of these new and exciting activities.
10. When he falls asleep in the car and we have to transfer him to the crib. I love how he snuggles up on my shoulder and sleeps in my arms all the way upstairs. It is so sweet and I am sure it won't last long. It is the moments like this that I will always remember and treasure.

I love you Brayden! Happy 9 months!

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